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SCRIPTWRITER. TV. FILM. THEATRE. RADIO, Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Hi there! Welcome my Scriptwriting blog. When I'm not here I write Scripts, Sketches, Stories and Lyrics. All enquiries welcome.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Fame at last?


Mentioned in dispatches -http://www.newtheatreroyal.com/index.php/whats-on/jilted-generation-performance 

My commissioned play "I Witness" is being performed by the New Theatre Royal on October 23 as part of Portsmouth Bookfest  and my name's on the publicity!

If you go see it - and of course you should - I've seen the rehearsals - please don't clap yourselves silly for my standing ovation as you cry yourselves hoarse screaming "Author! Author!" -

because, alas I shan't be there...

A change of programme dates means I will be out of the country when it's performed.

Oh dear, maybe that's providence lending a hand...  

1 comment:

Elinor said...

I say! Well done Mr T!