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SCRIPTWRITER. TV. FILM. THEATRE. RADIO, Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Hi there! Welcome my Scriptwriting blog. When I'm not here I write Scripts, Sketches, Stories and Lyrics. All enquiries welcome.

Thursday 21 February 2008


Well, the short play I mentioned in the last update isn't going too well.
The idea and twist are still good, but the characters aren't right.

Quite wrong, in fact.

The Protag's ok, intriguing even, but the second character loses her thread, the next is, er, frankly unbelievable and after that...it seems to get worse!

Funny, it seemed such a good idea at first.

But I tried to rush it for the deadline, and even worse, for me, tried to "force" the story out of basically a half baked one sentence idea.
Ok, sometimes that works, that's great.

But this time, no, it didn't.

Still, I believe no writing's ever wasted, even on a project that just doesn't work out - at the worst it's practice, honing your skills on those rough bends of that steep learning curve.

At it's best it's something for the "Ideas" or "Rewrites" file, - leave it to gently stew and maybe it'll taste good at later date.

So, no new 1/2 hour play for now!

On the positive side, have entered 2 projects for the Channel 4 "A PITCH IN TIME" contest, so feel good about that.

How about you?

Have you stalled on a new project?

Did you get it going again at a later date?

Are pitchin' at four?

( Rach is, just put that in as thank you 'cos she taught me how to do the link thing)

The Sheik needs to know...


Rachael Howard said...

And you made me do pictures too.

Yep, putting something on one side for a while can help. My short play started as my first short film idea over 3yrs ago.

It sat there for a year then morphed into a play instead where it felt much happier and so did me proud.

And it all began with a man sitting in a lifeboat with a trombone, stuffed seagull and an aspidistra.

That play will kick around and come back to suprise you. And you sod. You've got two entries in!! I'm battling with one.

Gareth Michael Turpie said...

Thanks Rach, Hope my Play Idea will do the same for me.

And doesn't your FIRST blog Oscar look all bright 'n' golden on your shiny new blog!
Regards, Sheiky